by papon | Oct 16, 2019 | Android
The industry of mobile game development has introduced a very important aspect to the market – the ability to conceptualize, develop, and release video games on devices with far more success and ease than ever before. And with the Android app marketplace only... by papon | Oct 15, 2019 | Android
Those using Android 4.0 have been able to enjoy the benefits of Google Keyboard for a while. If you are unfamiliar with the current features of this app, use this handy guide to familiarize yourself with its many great features. If you don’t have one of these... by papon | Oct 14, 2019 | Android
With the launch of hundreds of different smart phone models and the growing no. of tablets running on Android application framework, Google continues to face the fragmentation challenge. Android's enormous and open app market allows users to download and try free... by papon | Oct 13, 2019 | Android
Ever since Apple introduced the concept of smartphone to the world, iOS development has enjoyed a dominant position in mobile app markets globally. However Android's meteoric rise in the recent years has seriously challenged this supremacy. Late last year, in one... by papon | Oct 12, 2019 | Android
Mobile technology increasingly creeps into people's everyday lives. As smart phones, PDAs, tablet PCs, and net books continue to develop and increase in functionality, application developers continue to experiment and offer new apps that not only entertains but... by papon | Oct 11, 2019 | Android
Mobile applications have opened up a new way for the business. Companies get a better way to communicate with customers and inform them about the products and services timely. Generally, the two main platforms, iOS, and Android are occupying the complete market share....