by papon | Oct 28, 2019 | Android
Mobile apps are contributing a lot in our lives daily, making it far easier. Apps are assisting us in everything. What to eat, how to reach a place, how we can enjoy a vacation, or how to keep ourselves fit and fine! Apps are deciding and acting in all spheres on... by papon | Oct 27, 2019 | Android
Technology is an unavoidable necessity that has opened the expectant and long anticipated heart of the universe to exciting and amusing innovations. It has always dared to be at the forefront and vanguard of inventions, technical creativity and a novelty at its peak.... by papon | Oct 26, 2019 | Android
There has been a rapid explosion of apps for the past few years and this craze is especially centred towards youngsters. As the number of smart phone users are increasing, the downloading of apps is also increasing. Apps attract millions of people and thus are... by papon | Oct 25, 2019 | Android
The role that a Digital Forensics Investigator (DFI) is rife with continuous learning opportunities, especially as technology expands and proliferates into every corner of communications, entertainment and business. As a DFI, we deal with a daily onslaught of new... by papon | Oct 24, 2019 | Android
In the age of smart phones and tablets, Android powered devices have successfully managed to carve a unique identity for them. All the Android powered devices are famous for their user- friendly interface as well as the cheap apps and games available with them. Though... by papon | Oct 23, 2019 | Android
Most of the Business owners do give a thought about having a Mobile App for their business. However, when they start thinking on this ground, numerous questions arise in their minds. How much does it cost? How much time will the development process consume? Should I...